The easiest way to get started with PostgreSQL on the Mac

Migrating Data

When upgrading to a new major version of PostgreSQL, you need to migrate your data. The easiest way to migrate your data is using pg_dumpall, but there are alternative methods that can be useful when you have very large databases, or if you want to migrate only parts of the database.

Migrate data using pg_dumpall

This is the easiest way to migrate your data.

  1. Make sure that the old server is running
  2. Create a compressed SQL dump of your server (this could take some time):
    pg_dumpall --quote-all-identifiers | gzip >postgresapp.sql.gz
  3. Stop the old server, then start the new server.
  4. Now restore the SQL dump:
    gunzip <postgresapp.sql.gz | psql
  5. Don’t forget in Server Settings.. to swap which server to start automatically

Migrate data using pg_dump

This method lets you select which databases you’d like to migrate.

  1. While the old server is running, use psql --list to show the list of databases
  2. For each database you want to migrate use pg_dump database_name > database_name.sql to create a dump of your database
  3. If you have roles and/or tablespaces you need to keep, use pg_dumpall --globals-only > globals.sql
  4. Stop the old server, then start the new server.
  5. If you created globals.sql, use psql -f globals.sql
  6. For each database, use psql --command="create database database_name" to create the database
  7. For each database, use psql -d database_name -f database_name.sql to restore from the backup
  8. Once you’ve tested everything is working, remove the old data from ~/Library/Application Support/Postgres

Migrate data using pg_upgrade

Using pg_upgrade from the command line is a bit more difficult. This is recommended only if you have a large database and using pg_dump is too slow or uses too much disk space. Make sure you completely understand the process and have a working backup before attempting this!

Since pg_upgrade needs the old and new binaries, you must make sure that contains the binaries of the old server and of the new server. 2 contains 9.5 and 9.6 by default, but using other versions is possible as well.

Here’s an example how to upgrade from 9.5 to 9.6:

  1. Quit
  2. Place the new version of in the /Applications folder
  3. Right-Click to “Show Package Contents” on the new
  4. Navigate to the subdirectory Contents/Versions and make sure that binaries for the old version and the new version are included.
  5. If binaries are missing, copy them from a different version of (you can find all supported versions on this page)
  6. Go to ~/Library/Application Support/Postgres and create a new, empty folder for the new data directory, eg var-9.6
  7. In the terminal, create a new database cluster with /Applications/ -D ~/Library/Application\ Support/Postgres/var-9.6 --encoding=UTF-8 --locale=en_US.UTF-8
  8. Finally, run the upgrade with /Applications/ -b /Applications/ -B /Applications/ -d ~/Library/Application\ Support/Postgres/var-9.5 -D ~/Library/Application\ Support/Postgres/var-9.6 -v (see the pg_upgrade documentation for details)
  9. pg_upgrade will leave behind two scripts, and Run them to optimise the new database and remove the old database cluster